Data-driven bank:
360-degree view of
profitability at every level
of organization

A business user-friendly solution with a modern analytical platform that gives you the possibility to track and analyse profitability from every angle.

Banks are facing difficult economic conditions, fierce competition from fintech start-ups, the emergence of new business models and an increasingly restrictive regulatory framework.

Do you have what you need to stay at the top of your game?

Understand your business through all relevant perspectives, legal entity, organization unit, product, business segment. Drill-down to the most granular level of a single customer, of an individual arrangement or even of a specific transaction.

at Your Fingertips

  • Understand most and least profitable aspects of your business in seconds
  • Identify the most and the least profitable business segments
  • Define profiles for the most and the least profitable customer types
  • Determine branch office or company performance
  • Analyse sales channel effectiveness
  • Compare products on different cost, revenue and contribution margin components
  • Track arrangement lifetime value from its origination to this day

A clear overview.

Drill-down to the most granular level of a single customer, of an individual arrangement or even of a specific transaction.

IBM edition of the PROFITability 5.16 is tightly integrated with
IBM Banking and Financial Markets Data Warehouse models and
IBM products:

  • Predefined reports and dashboards are embedded through IBM Cognos Analytics.
  • IBM Integrated Analytics System or IBM Performance Server for PostgreSQL is used as an analytical database platform to process billions of data rows.
  • IBM Infosphere is used for data governance and IBM DataStage is used to import any kind of source data into the analytical platform.

Webinar recording

Get familiar with our solution, supported by a strong analytical database that was built to empower business users. Meaning, that once it is configured, the controlling department can manage the whole process by themselves.

We will present the concept behind the solution and conclude with best practise to tackle this kind of project. You will learn how easy it is to:

  • Set up custom multi-level contribution margin schema and any classification or hierarchy through which you want to analyse profitability (i.e. organization unit, product, business segment, customer, arrangement…).
  • Define various multi-step allocation rules that are used by a powerful calculation engine to automatically allocate cost and revenue from the source down to any levels of the selected dimensions.
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