#5 Snowflake Proof of Concept

Like many organizations, you’re facing challenges with your existing data warehouse solution and are looking for alternatives. You spend days trying to get data to end-users, your data is scattered in data silos, your on-premise infrastructure is outdated and offers limited scalability. Lack of resources means you can’t address new business cases and semi-structured data without heavy investment in new HW and SW.

Your leadership team wants faster insight into data and you are overwhelmed with new requests. Snowflake Data Cloud offers a new way of thinking and opens up huge opportunities as you move from on-premises to the cloud.

We can help you properly evaluate modern data warehouse architecture on your data, define the most important use cases and KPIs to measure against your current solution.  With Snowflake data cloud you will be able to reap the benefits of modern cloud solutions by addressing any use case that your business needs, without resource contention or infrastructure limitations. With scalability, concurrency, and access to all of your data, speedy and accurate decision-making will be at your fingertips.

POC services include but are not limited to:

  • Introduction of new modern architecture
  • Loading data to the cloud
  • Concurrency testing (workload isolation)
  • Scalability and elasticity
  • Modern ELT approach and BI workloads
  • Semi-structured data
  • Security and user roles
  • Spend monitoring (per-second billing)


During the POC we will define the project scope and success criteria. The idea is to test End2End architecture including modern ELT tools for data ingestion and transformation to take the cloud advantages and test your existing or new BI/data science tools against Snowflake.

  • How to set up and run Snowflake instance on any public cloud
  • Define modern end2end solution environment
  • How to set up data Pipelines (ETL/ETL) for the specific business use case (for structured and semi-structured data)
  • Staging
  • Development and Production Environment
  • Business Intelligence/data science tools Integration