#4 Second Opinion

You have your first journey to cloud around the corner and you want to evaluate your Cloud Migration Strategy.

Just feeling uncertain about the migration plan you’ve been handed can be reason enough to get a second opinion. After all, no single service provider knows everything about what a migration to the cloud looks like, or all the new best practices and features that cloud technology brings.

However, if you are skeptical about your proposed migration path, it may be worth seeking a second opinion for one of the following reasons:
You are not aware if your migration to cloud is simple or complex?
You doubt that cloud technology is right for you?
Your plan was determined without diving deep into your existing environment and code?
You have a list of offerings that vary widely in cost.

Based on our experience with various migration projects, we know that there is no perfect way how migration to the cloud should look like and therefore there is no generic calculator that defines how much effort is required to execute the migration plan.

In these cases, we offer a set of workshops where we assess your current migration plan, overall cloud strategy, intended architecture, current environment, business requirements and provide you with revised plan and potential recommendations.

Whether you’re planning to move to the cloud on your own, with a partner you’ve already selected, or looking for a new service provider, give us a call and we’ll help you make the right move.

Who should attend? Key project stakeholders 

Duration: 2 – 5 day consultation

Pricing: 2.500 – 5.000 €